For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.
2 Cor 8:9
I am utterly overwhelmed by all that I have to be thankful for this year. I don't even know where to start. I feel I won't even be able to write down all the things that have been poured out into my life this year but here goes:
I am THANKFUL for my family. The support they have given me throughout my life and especially in getting to TZ is tremendous.
I am THANKFUL for my friends new and old. The emails, the dance parties, the hugs, the many many fun times, and all the love they show towards me.
I am THANKFUL for my exuberant and crazy class. Did you see them rapping.....?!
I am THANKFUL for the opportunity to teach at HOPAC.
I am THANKFUL that I have two wonderful nephews that I get to love on. The cutest ever!
I am THANKFUL for the cross.
I am THANKFUL that HE never gave up on me. :)
I am THANKFUL for my relationship with Jesus Christ.
I am THANKFUL for soft pretzels. YUM YUM
I am THANKFUL for the way HE provides.
I am THANKFUL for a cool breeze.
I am THANKFUL for beautiful African colors.
I am THANKFUL for the children at Kurisini.
I am THANKFUL for grace and forgiveness.
I am THANKFUL for Christmas music, even when it's Max singing Chestnuts Roasting on an open fire...
I am THANKFUL for artisans.
I am THANKFUL for everyone who helped get me to Tanzania! You all rock!
I am THANKFUL for being creative and sewing totally awesome items. I love Fabric!
I am THANKFUL for Chumbe Island. GO!
I am THANKFUL that I get to go home at Christmas and hug all my super amazing family and friends!!
I can go on for days but I will stop here. Life is Good. God is Good. Everyone in my life is freaking ridiculously awesome!
Go hug 5 people and tell them why you are thankful for them!! DO IT!
Love you all!!
However, He has given each one of us a splendid gift, through the generosity of Christ.
Eph 4:7