Saturday, August 9, 2014


Freedom is the cross.
Freedom is underserving and never ending grace.
Freedom is being free from my sins and free from the fear that I am not good enough.
Freedom is knowing I am His beloved, His daughter, the Creator of the Universe choose me, anointed me, adopted me, has a plan for me, and loves me despite all my brokenness.
Freedom is praying in Jesus name for a sick child who hasn’t left his bed in years.
Freedom is pulling water from a well and praying for a new friends education.
Freedom is snuggling and loving a beautiful baby with the biggest and most beautiful eyes.
Freedom is crying for what I can’t give a starving, motherless child but knowing my Heavenly Father can.
Freedom is praying out loud.
Freedom is casting out demons in Jesus name.
Freedom is living for Him and not yourself.
Freedom is knowing He has a better plan for my life, better than I could ever dream.
Freedom is joy beyond measure.
Freedom is smiling.
Freedom is loving strangers.
Freedom is giving hope and telling someone they are noticed and loved by our God.
Freedom is a Muslim converting to Christianity.
Freedom is Him using Me for His glory.
Freedom is playing football with new friends.
Freedom is watching a sunset over the mountains.
Freedom is praying for rain and 10 minutes later it rains!
Freedom is meeting forever friends.
Freedom is walking and praying for a country and continent I love so much.
Freedom is watching the smiles and laughter of kids swinging in a hammock for the first time.
Freedom is declaring the Kingdom of God is near!
Freedom is praying for a large group of men, total strangers, who are willing to listen to a white woman, in the middle of a random village in Tanzania.
Freedom is smiling with Tanzanian brothers and sisters about all God has done despite circumstances.
Freedom is walking a once cursed slave trail and proclaiming blessings and restored life.
Freedom is singing and dancing and proclaiming that Jesus can and will BREAK EVERY CHAIN!
Freedom is falling on my knees at the cross at Bagomoyo, on the last day of Ramadan, weeping and being utterly humbled by all HE has done for me and what He will continue to do. 
FREEDOM is FREEDOM IN JESUS CHRIST!  Jesus came to set me and you free.

(By accepting Christ I can freely love and give freedom to others.)

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